April 18, 2005

Bicycling Playa Del Rey to Santa Monica - April 2005

Sunday the weather was perfect for a bike ride, so we piled our bikes into the back of a truck and drove down to Playa Del Rey, which is between Marina Del Rey and LAX. We joined the many other bikers, rollerbladers and skateboarders on the trail which follows the beach up as far north as Malibu. Some people were even chatting on their mobile phones-- how LA!

On the way we went by Venice Beach where you can always spot some interesting people. The original "Muscle Beach" is on the path as well.

We rewarded our efforts with a great brunch at Jinky's Cafe. See the Buzz Coffee blog for more details. This is their Santa Monica location- the original is in Sherman Oaks. A new one is coming soon in the West Hollywood area.

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