September 04, 2005

Biking on the Ventura Coastal Bike Path

Fran getting ahead of me on the path. The weather was great, so we went back again to the Santa Monica Beach Trail. This time we started at the north end where we hadn't been before. This trail and others are at

The Santa Monica Pier up ahead.We started pretty far up the trail and hit the end pretty quickly (near the southern tip of Malibu). So we turned around and went down to Venice Beach and back again. There are a lot of people in Santa Monica and Venice, so it can get pretty crowded on the path.

San Buenaventura.The next day we drove up Pacific Coast Highway to the Ventura Coastal Bike Path. It starts at San Buenaventura State Beach and ends at Hobson RV Park. Total distance is about 25 miles. You can find this and more on the Ventura County Get There by Bike page.

The trail offers spectacular views of the ocean and beach, and is mostly easy riding with a few ups and downs. Most of the trail is away from roads, but up north it joins with PCH so you're on the side of the road.

Watching a parasailer.Along the way we stopped to watch some parasailers, which was really cool. We also made a pit stop at Faria Park for drinks and snacks. There's a little shop there that has sandwiches, candy, soda, etc.

We love to bike!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be Aware of arrogant bicyclist are in Ventura Coastal Bike Path. I recently camped overnight at Ventura Beach and rode my bike towing my 6 year old daughter on a bike trailer up the coastal bike path. Seams that we were either not fast enough or because on our short stop along the side of the path, there were countless spandex laden speeders on 18 speeds yelling "Go Home Asshole". Being the first time there, my daughter and I were completely taken aback with this rude uncalled fore behavior.